Présentation of 1.CENTRE.S.O.S
Health with a holistic and alternative therapy
Health Center S.O.S.
A combination of several fields of expertise and a group of professionals trained or continuous training.
Transfer skills and knowledge to the next generations in a harmonious climate for the development of each one own pace. The combination of skills permit an open mind on any given situation, to better understand and meet the needs of the moment.
S .O. S
S.O.S. stands for “Save Our Souls” in a situation of disaster or distress.
The initial will is always there to interact with the human being.
This interaction is materialized by various interventions such as SEITAI . OSTEOTHERAPY . SPORTS
Holistic approach
This term indicates all the approaches to life, or all the therapeutic techniques which take into account the global nature of the individual.
For example, a holistic vision of the human being takes into account his physical,emotional,mental, family, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions. This vision of the world includes all the possibilities: ancestral wisdom to the scientific theories. It is a vision of the world that is to be open and inclusive.
The technique of Seitai bases on the postulate that the body has a natural capacity to heal, to rebuild or to correct itself to ensure a maximum of comfort and well-being.
The principles of Seitai have for purpose to restore this sensibility and its capacity for self-healing. According to this concept, health is approached in a different way by the usual vision: disease would only be the symptom of a body which tries to restore its Balance, it would become chronic when the resources to restore the health would be running out or would be hindered.
The practice of Seitai consists in observing the body of the customer and in determining the best way to release the body from its obstacles and of giving it the strength to reconstruct its Balance. According to the promoters of this method, Seitai proposes adapted practices to the person.
Seitai also proposes light-stretching exercises of the body to work by oneself to heal and stay healthy.
SEITAI, the term means " body positioned with precision".
The japanese term Seitai means: "The Body in Order".
It turns out that, when the body recovers its flexibility, its balance and its strength, the spirit feels naturally more serene and quieter.
The technique of Seitai bases on the postulate that the body has a natural capacity to heal, to rebuild or to correct itself to ensure a maximum of comfort and well-being.
The principles of Seitai have for purpose to restore this sensibility and its capacity for self-healing.
According to this concept, health is approached in a different way by the usual vision: disease would only be the symptom of a body which tries to restore its Balance, it would become chronic when the resources to restore the health would be running out or would be hindered.
The practice of Seitai consists in observing the body of the customer and in determining the best way to release the body from its obstacles and of giving it the strength to reconstruct its Balance.
According to the promoters of this method, Seitai proposes adapted practices to the person. Seitai also proposes light-stretching exercises of the body to work by oneself to heal and stay healthy.
OSTEOTHERAPY - Osteotherapy craniosacral
Osteotherpy -Osteotherapy craniosacral- is an approach to the heart of a global health. "Health " is used to indicate any means or intervention seeking to influence the overall health (physical and mental ) favorably. The four basic principles of the osteopathic approach are:
1. The unity of the body : the body works as a complete unit ( globality of being) .
2. The self-healing : the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms and self-healing .
3. The structure governs function : the structure and function are interrelated.
4. The role of the artery is absolute : Abnormal pressure in a part of the body produces abnormal pressures and constraints on others.
Osteotherapy is based on manual techniques for the conservation or restoration of mobility of the different structures of the body. It is preventive , curative and is related to these practices : traditional Chinese medicine, étiomédecine and various types of massages (shiatsu , Thai ) . Osteopathy was founded June 22, 1874 by the American doctor Andrew Taylor Still .
Based on the concept that the body is a whole and that health requires the functional balance of all the structures that make up the human body , osteopathy encompasses all the diagnostic and therapeutic manipulation aimed discovery , treatment and prevention of osteopathic lesions that is to say , changes the state of the structure ( anatomy ) , reversible if proper treatment. Water is essential for the body's balance .
Sport is a set of physical exercises is practicing in individual or collective games . The term "sport" is rooted in the Old French word " desport " which means " entertainment, physical pleasure or mind ." In English, " desport " turns into "sport" and removes his fields the general notion of leisure to focus on physical activities .
It is defined by the ouevre implementation of one or more physical qualities ( endurance activity , resistance , strength , coordination , skill , flexibility).
For 1.centre.s.o.s , it is synomyne movement of life .
"Sport " is used indicate any suitable physical activity, sports physical activity, physical activity and performance of any means or intervention seeking to influence health positively in promoting the realization of physical activity.